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Goldbond Group Holdings Limited (the モCompanyヤ) is an investment holding company incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability and the shares of which are listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (SEHK Ticker: 00172). Since then, (b) established a customer base spans over 20 provinces and cities in China and (c) set up new branch offices in Nanjing, and other financial consulting and management services, financial leasing services, project financing services, Rongzhong Group Companies have (a) extended the scope of financial services provided to bridge financing services, with the support of the Group, Hangzhou and Taizhou. The Group is an integrated financial services provider offering innovative one-stop-shop financing solution to small-to-medium enterprises (モSMEsヤ) in the Peopleメs Republic of China (モChinaヤ).The Group commenced its financial services in China by the subscription of 40% equity interest in Rongzhong Group Limited (モRongzhong Groupヤ) and its subsidiaries (collectively モRongzhong Group Companiesヤ), which offered loan guarantee services in various cities of China, including Changsha, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guangzhou and Wuhan, in 2004. The Group's investment in Rongzhong Group had been increased to 71% through a series of acquisitions by 2007.
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