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Wall Street English
School in Tseung Kwan O
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將軍澳天晉匯2期1樓109室, New Territories. 00000, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories.
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What you should know about Wall Street English

Tutor in Tseung Kwan O, Language School in Tseung Kwan O

Wall Street English 英語學院 (WSE) 創立於 1972 年,是現時全球最具規模的國際英語專科教育機構,分校超過 400 間,橫跨 5 大洲 28個國家。憑藉超過 49 年的經驗,WSE 已成功透過其獨特的英語課程,協助全球超過 300 萬人成功提升英語水平。 有別於傳統的英文課程,Wall Street English獨有的Learning Method結合互動電子化課程、外籍導師面授課程、彈性上課時間表、社交活動及專業教學團隊的細心指導,協助學生成功提升英語水平。 Wall Street English 英語學院 (WSE) 在香港已開設了7間分校,為香港在學學生及在職成人提供英語訓練。歡迎聯絡我們的教育顧問訂立你的個人學習計劃! Wall Street English has helped over 3 million people in 28 countries learn English and realize their dreams. Unlike traditional English courses, Wall Street English's unique learning method guarantees your success by combining interactive digital lessons, face-to-face classes with native teachers, flexible class scheduling, social events, and your own dedicated support team. Visit us to speak with our experts and start building your personal learning plan.
Wall Street English, 學英文, 英文學校, 英文課程, 英語課程, 成人英語課程, IELTS, 雅思, DSE, DSE英文, 商業英文, 商業英語, CEF, 持續進修英文

Social networks


Business English, Business English Course, Corporate English Course, Corporate English Training, DSE, DSE Course, DSE English, DSE English Course, Encounter Class, English Class, English Course, English Workshop, F2F Course, General English, General English Course, IELTS, IELTS Course, Online Course, Online English, 成人课程, 高级课程, 入门课程, 团体课, 中级课程, 私教课程, 青少年课程

Photos and videos

English/ Chinese/ Cantonese

Additional information

  Opening times Opening Closing
   Monday 11:00 21:00
   Tuesday 11:00 21:00
   Wednesday 11:00 21:00
   Thursday 11:00 21:00
   Friday 11:00 21:00
   Saturday 10:00 19:00
   Sunday 10:00 17:00

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