Districts of the territory
- Wan Chai (56)
- Central (34)
- Sheung Wan (26)
- North Point (4)
- Causeway Bay (19)
- Chai Wan (3)
- Shau Kei Wan (13)
- Sai Ying Pun (1)
- Quarry Bay (6)
- Aberdeen (3)
- Kennedy Town (3)
- Wong Chuk Hang (7)
- Happy Valley (3)
- Shek Tong Tsui (1)
- Ap Lei Chau (3)
- Mid-levels (2)
- Tai Hang (2)
- Stanley (4)
- Sai Wan Ho (1)
- Siu Sai Wan (3)
- Repulse Bay (1)
- So Kon Po (1)
- Shek O (1)
Related categories
Canoe and Kayak Club - Hong Kong Island Region
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1樓J室 Causeway Bay 富明街1號寶富大樓, Hong Kong Island. Causeway Bay. Hong Kong Island.
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Chili Club - Wan Chai
1/F, 88 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. Wan Chai. Hong Kong Island.
Caffe Kenon Club - Causeway Bay
1/F, Perfect Commercial Building, 28 Sharp Street West. Causeway Bay. Hong Kong Island.
HK Chinese Womens Club College - Sai Wan Ho
2B Tai Cheong St. Sai Wan Ho. Hong Kong Island.
The HK Jockey Club The HK Racing Museum - Happy Valley
2/F of Happy Valley Stand. Happy Valley. Hong Kong Island.
California Beach Club - Sheung Wan
Jade Centre. Sheung Wan. Hong Kong Island.
Easy Membership Servs Ltd - Quarry Bay
Ka Wing Bldg. Quarry Bay. Hong Kong Island.
Brunch Club & Supper - Causeway Bay
1/F, 13 Leighton Road. Causeway Bay. Hong Kong Island.
Lingnan Club - Central
12 & 13/F, On Lok Yuen Buildling, 25 Des Vouex Road. Central. Hong Kong Island.
LifeYoga Kornhill Club - Quarry Bay
9/F, Kornhill Apartments, 2 Kornhill Road. Quarry Bay. Hong Kong Island.
Mission Hills Golf Club - Central
9 Queen's Rd C. Central. Hong Kong Island.
Chariot Club Ltd The - Central
3/F & 4/F, Melbourne Plaza, 33 Queen's Road Central. Central. Hong Kong Island.
The Sports Club - Central
4/F, South China Building, Wyndham Street. Central. Hong Kong Island.
Club Qing Ltd - Central
10/F, Cosmos Buildingg, 8-11 Lan Kwai Fong. Central. Hong Kong Island.
Eugene Club Centre - Quarry Bay
Room 1902-1904, 19/F, Westlands Centre, 20 Westlands Road. Quarry Bay. Hong Kong Island.
Chinese Club The - Central
8-15/F, Chinese Merchants' Club Building, 21-22 Connaught Road. Central. Hong Kong Island.
Institute Of Securities Dlrs Ltd The - Central
Regent Centre. Central. Hong Kong Island.
HK Chinese Womens Club Kindergarten The - Shau Kei Wan
Yiu Fook Hse. Shau Kei Wan. Hong Kong Island.
Culture Club Gallery - Central
G/F, 15 Elgin Street, SOHO. Central. Hong Kong Island.
UA Directors Club - Shau Kei Wan
5/F, Cityplaza, 18 Taikoo Shing Road. Shau Kei Wan. Hong Kong Island.
Boys & Girls Clubs Assn Of HK The - Wan Chai
3 Lockhart Rd. Wan Chai. Hong Kong Island.
Aberdeen Marina Holdings Ltd - Wong Chuk Hang
8 Shum Wan Rd. Wong Chuk Hang. Hong Kong Island.
Hong Kong Golf Club - Repulse Bay
19 Island Road. Repulse Bay. Hong Kong Island.
Chinese Recreation Club - Tai Hang
123 Tung Lo Wan Road. Tai Hang. Hong Kong Island.
Grand Waterfall - Quarry Bay
9/F, Kornhill Apartments, 2 Kornhill Road. Quarry Bay. Hong Kong Island.
HK Club The - Central
The HK Club Bldg. Central. Hong Kong Island.
Palm Island Golf Resort Ltd - Central
New World Tower. Central. Hong Kong Island.
Chung Shan Hot Spring Golf Club - Central
New World Tower. Central. Hong Kong Island.
City Links Ltd - Central
The Centrium. Central. Hong Kong Island.
Sideways (Driving Club) - Central
1 Chancery Lane. Central. Hong Kong Island.
Tokyo Kodomo Club (HK) Ltd - Causeway Bay
Leighton Centre. Causeway Bay. Hong Kong Island.
Warung Malang Club - Causeway Bay
2/F, Dragon Rise, 9 Pennington Street. Causeway Bay. Hong Kong Island.
Shaukeiwan Fresh Fish Buyers Club - Shau Kei Wan
Yee Tak Bldg. Shau Kei Wan. Hong Kong Island.
The Hong Kong Country Club - Aberdeen
G/F., The HK Country Club, 188 Wong Chuk Hang Road. Aberdeen. Hong Kong Island.
Dynasty Club Ltd The - Wan Chai
7/F, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 Harbour Road. Wan Chai. Hong Kong Island.
Boys & Girls Clubs Assn Of HK The Cheerland Kindergarten (Wanchai) - Wan Chai
2/F And 4/F, 3 Lockhart Road. Wan Chai. Hong Kong Island.
Swish Club Ltd - Causeway Bay
Progress Coml Bldg. Causeway Bay. Hong Kong Island.
Orient Prestige Internatl Ltd - Sheung Wan
Wah Yuen Bldg. Sheung Wan. Hong Kong Island.
Swedish Club HK Ltd The - Wan Chai
Central Plaza. Wan Chai. Hong Kong Island.
Vision Club Ltd - Causeway Bay
Capitol Centre. Causeway Bay. Hong Kong Island.
The Hong Kong Medical Associate Club House - Wan Chai
5/F, Duke of Windsor Social Services Building, 15 Hennessy Road. Wan Chai. Hong Kong Island.
Pilipino Overseas Workers Club Ltd - Causeway Bay
Causeway Tower. Causeway Bay. Hong Kong Island.
India Curry Club - Central
Room M, 3/F, Winner Building, 10 Wing Wah Lane, Lan Kwai Fong. Central. Hong Kong Island.
World Snooker Club 147 Ltd - Sheung Wan
Midland Plaza. Sheung Wan. Hong Kong Island.
Disciplined Servs Sports & Recreation Club - So Kon Po
9 Cotton Path. So Kon Po. Hong Kong Island.
China Dragon Membership Servs Ltd - Wan Chai
Way On Coml Bldg. Wan Chai. Hong Kong Island.
Diners Club Internatl (HK) Ltd - Quarry Bay
Dorset Hse. Quarry Bay. Hong Kong Island.
HK Talent Club - Wan Chai
Methodist Hse. Wan Chai. Hong Kong Island.
Toys Club - Ap Lei Chau
Horizon Plaza. Ap Lei Chau. Hong Kong Island.
Chili Club Ltd - Wan Chai
88 Lockhart Rd. Wan Chai. Hong Kong Island.